
Fidel Castro Out In Cuba

Castro is out.

For the first time since Cuba’s 1959 revolution, Fidel Castro was not included in the Communist Party’s leadership, and someone other than Fidel or Raúl has been name to the second-highest position in the Communist Party.

We all knew this day would come, but it’s still shocking to reflect on the longevity of Fidel as the leader of Cuba.

It’s interesting looking back at my cartoons about Fidel and his iron-grip for so many years on the Cuban people.

I drew this cartoon back in 2006 when Fidel was undergoing intestinal surgery and provisionally handed over power for the first time to his younger brother Raul.

Now Raul will be expected to set a new economic course for Cuba. The congress’ approval of a package of more than 300 reforms is an admission that the status quo isn’t working.

It’s always fun to end things on a joke. Looking back at my archive of Castro cartoons, Fidel is no exception.


My New Cartoons

Here are my most recent cartoons …


Mike Keefe Wins Pulitzer

I’m very pleased to announce that Mike Keefe, who is syndicated by Cagle Cartoons and is a long-time staffer for The Denver Post,  is the winner of the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning, the highest award any member of the media can win.

The Pulitzer judges said he was awarded the prize “for his widely ranging cartoons that employ a loose, expressive style to send strong, witty messages..”

Keefe is a two-time Fischetti Award winner, and has also won both the Sigma Delta Chi Award and the National Headliner Award. This is his first Pulitzer, although he was a Pulitzer juror in 1997 and 1998.

“I am gobsmacked,” Keefe told The Post. “In recent years, the Pulitzer has gone to much younger folks, who are newer in the business. I thought my day had passed.” (Here’s a pic of Keefe getting congratulated by his Editorial Page Editor upon hearing the news)

Here is a slideshow featuring all 20 of Keefe’s Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoons.


Tax Day Cartoons

Today is Tax Day, and for many, this means finally getting around to finished your taxes, writing out that check to Uncle Sam and waiting in line at the Post Office to make sure you meet the all-important midnight deadline.

Everyone hates paying taxes, but cartoonists despise them. If you have five minutes to take a break from your 1040, enjoy a laugh at our funny Tired of Taxes cartoon collection.

Jeff Parker / Florida Today (click to view cartoon collection)

This Week in Political Cartoons – 4/15/11

We’ve just posted our huge Week in Review cartoon slideshow, and what’s on everyone’s mind this week? Taxes, taxes, taxes!

Whether it’s the small business owner sweating bullets trying to finish his 1040 in time, or politicians on Capital Hill bickering and arguing about what out taxes can really afford, that dirty “t” word seems to be everywhere. Which infuriates bankrupt birther Donal Trump, who can’t abide the media overlooking him.

So pull yourself away from your calculator and check out our Week in Political Cartoons slideshow.

Taxes 1040
John Cole / Scranton Times-Tribune (click to view slideshow)

Barry Bonds Cartoon Collection

Talk about being juiced! For years, cartoonists have been drawing cartoons about that cheating, steroid-injecting egomaniac Barry Bonds. Now, the lawyers have caught up with everyone else, convicting the former Giants slugger of obstruction of justice.

To check out how cartoonists have depicted Bonds sincd breaking Hank Aaron’s home run record*, check out our new Bonds is Guilty cartoon collection.

Barry Bonds guilty steroids
John Cole / Scranton Times-Tribune (click to view Bonds cartoons)

* – Hank Aaron never cheated, and Barry Bonds will never be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame.


Guilty Bonds

Barry Bonds, the former San Francisco Giants slugger that defined the steroid era of baseball, has been found guilty of obstructing justice for lying about taking performance-enhancing drugs.

Is this really a surprise? Looking back at our cartoon archives, it seems that everyone came to the conclusion that Bonds was guilty of steroid use years ago. Not to mention that it’s Bonds own arrogance that ended up convicting him. Don’t forget that it was Bonds, under oath before a grand jury nearly eight years ago, who twisted his way around straight-forward questions about steroid use.

I’ve done a good number of Barry Bonds cartoons over the years. Here are some of my favorites:


Obama, Republicans and the Budget

Today, Barack Obama gave a speech detailing his approach to deficit reduction, offering a contrast to the “Path of Prosperty” that Congressman Paul Ryan proposed last month. Obama’s plan includes both cuts in military spending and tax increases for the wealthiest Americans (something the Republicans don’t seem to be able to stomach).

Republicans seem more hell-bent on pushing their social agenda than honestly reducing the deficit, and if Obama’s proven anything since taking office, it’s what a lousy negotiator he is …

It’s tough to hear Obama talk seriously about cutting the budget. Since coming into office, Obama has been forced to deal with a massive recession and job loss, as well as a massive deficit he inherited from his predecessors. As a result, he’s been up to his big ears in red ink…

Meanwhile, Republicans have no problems cutting money from the budget, as long as it has nothing to do with the military or rich folks…

Republicans’ favorite target recently has been civil servants with their outrageous $50,000 salaries. The billions Wall Street has fleeced out of the economy and the middle class over the last decade doesn’t seem to bother them much…

At least that’s something they share with Obama…

… despite their claims …



Royal Wedding Cartoons

As the Royal Wedding between Britain’s Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29 nears, the world is fixated on every bit of news coming out of the event. From Victoria Beckham panicking over her wedding dress to the release of a Royal Wedding coin collection by the Australian mint, it seems we need to know every detail of this blessed union.

So what do cartoonists think? Check out our new Royal Wedding cartoon slideshow to find out.

Royal Wedding Prince William
Dave Granlund / (click to view slideshow)

Student Loan Cartoons

As the recession drags on, more and more students are finding themselves in the middle of a rock and a hard place, leaving college with large amounts of student loan debt and entering into an economy that’s having a hard time creating jobs.

What do cartoonists think of this pickle? Check out our Student Loan cartoon slideshow to find out.


Greedy, For-Profit Colleges

Here’s my cartoonist daughter Susie, with a cartoon article bashing greedy, for-profit colleges.


This Week in Political Cartoons – 4/8/11

It’s Friday, when we post our big, glorious slideshow recapping the week’s best political cartoons. This is a good one, covering everything from budget cuts to a possible government shutdown, as well as some great cartoons about a Koran-burning nutcase and some guy named Glenn Beck who got booted from his Fox News show.

So stop tending to your farm on Facebook for a second and take the time to check out The Week in Political Cartoons.

tea party republicans budget cuts
R.J. Matson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (click to view slideshow)