
Trayvon Martin Cartoons

Outrage over the Trayvon Martin shooting is spreading as marchers took to the streets in New York City and Miami demanding the arrest of the shooter, neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman. Three weeks ago, the unarmed Martin was shot in a gated subdivision outside of Orlando by Zimmerman, who claimed self-defense under the “Stand Your Ground” law, which expands the right to claim self-defense beyond the home in Florida…

Jeff Parker / Florida Today (click to view more cartoons by Parker)

Our own Jeff Parker, the staff cartoonist for Florida Today, drew the cartoon above about the shooting and wrote on his blog:

“Armed with Florida’s flawed “stand your ground” laws, Zimmerman remains free as police, and now the feds, sift the facts concerning the killing of a “suspicious” teen armed only with iced tea and Skittles.”

Here are some of the cartoons that have come in about this tragic event…

Bill Day / Cagle Cartoons (click to view more cartoons by Day)
Jimmy Margulies / The Record (click to view more cartoons by Margulies)
Randall Enos / Cagle Cartoons (click to view more cartoons by Enos)
Dave Granlund / (click to view more cartoons by Granlund)

Romney Fever

Republicans have a fever, and the only prescription is more Mitt Romney!

Romney had an overwhelming win in the Illinois primary last night. If that wasn’t enough momentum, former Florida governor Jeb Bush then officially endorsed Romney, putting more establishment weight behind the GOP front-runner.

Regardless of what the establishment thinks, the gaffe-prone Romney still has a problem connecting to voters. Romney’s attempts to relate to the electorate come across as pandering. This is nothing new for Romney – I drew this cartoon about him during the 2008 campaign, and it still applies today…

We’ll see if the combination of a win in Illinois and the support of Jeb Bush will help Republicans coalesce around Romney. For now, he has a long way to go, according to our cartoonists…

Rick McKee / Augusta Chronicle (click to view more cartoons by McKee)
Jimmy Margulies / The Record (Click to view more cartoons by Margulies)
Chris Weyant / The Hill (click to view more cartoons by Weyant)
Nate Beeler / Washington Examiner (click to view more cartoons by Beeler)
Patrick Chappatte / International Herald Tribune (view more cartoons by Chappatte)

Clinton and Obama Boxers

Clinton and Obama Boxers © Daryl Cagle,,Bill Clinton,Barack Obama,gasoline,gas,shorts,boxers,hearts,gas pump,energy,cigarette,cigar


Muppet Truth Stranger than Fiction

After posting this cartoon about the evil, greedy Goldman Sachs calling their clients “Muppets,” I learned that the Muppets actually were clients of Goldman Sachs.

Apparently, back in 2003, the family of Muppets creator Jim Henson was advised by Goldman on buying back all the characters from a merchandising company:

Brian Henson, son of the late Jim Henson, announced that he, his sisters Lisa, Cheryl and Heather, and his brother, John, have signed a definitive agreement to acquire The Jim Henson Company from EM.TV & Merchandising AG for $78 million in cash. Upon completion of the transaction, all five family members will serve on the company’s board of directors, and Brian and Lisa Henson will be actively involved in the company’s management.

Too bad there was never a “vampire squid” muppet. Here’s my cartoon:


Creepy Caricature?

The image at right is Army Staff Sargeant Robert Bales, who is alleged to have massacred 16 civilians in Afghanistan.

It struck me that he looks exactly like the soldier I drew in my cartoon about winning hearts and minds in Afghanistan in light of the killings (below), before Bales’ identity was released.

Psychic caricature.  Creepy.


Ye Olde Pot of Gold

St. Patrick’s Day is upon us once again, and with high gas prices and Wall Street shenanigans, it was inevitable that we’d have a batch of clever cartoons featuring leprechauns and their pots of gold.

So if the luck of the Irish hasn’t been with you this year, at least you can take a break and enjoy these cartoons (corned beef not included):

Rick McKee / Augusta Chronicle (click to view more cartoons by McKee)
Chris Weyant / The Hill (click to view more cartoons by Weyant)
John Cole / Scranton Times-Tribune (click to view more cartoons by Cole)
Chris Weyant / The Hill (click to view more cartoons by Weyant)
Dave Granlund / (click to view more cartoons by Granlund)



Goldman Sachs Muppets

Goldman Sachs Muppets © Daryl Cagle,,Goldman Sachs,investment bank,wall street,Jim Hensons Muppets,Kermit the Frog,Miss Piggy,Gonzo,Animal,business,economy,crime,crooks


Best Political Cartoons Of The Week

Every Friday, we collect the best political cartoons of the week and stuff them into one big, glorious slideshow.

So just relax and catch up on a week’s worth of news with our Best Cartoons of the Week slideshow.

David Fitzsimmons / Arizona Daily Star (click to launch slideshow)

Cartoonist Sneaks Cut Doonesbury Strip into Paper

This week, the Salt Lake Tribune ran Garry Trudeau’s “Doonesbury” despite all the controversy surrounding its focus on a Texas law requiring women seeking an abortion to receive a sonogram. However, the paper’s editors decided against running today’s “I thee rape” strip. That didn’t sit to well with our own Pat Bagley, the paper’s staff cartoonist. He decided to take matters into his own hands, and share his cartoon with today’s “Doonesbury” installment (the top part of the cartoon references Utah House Majority Leader Kevin Garn, who resigned after confessing to a nude hot-tubbing incident with an under-aged girl).

Tribune columnist George Pyle said Bagley’s decision to put his cartoon together this way was like peanut butter and chocolate. “Separate they are good. Together they are great.”
Pat Bagley Doonesbury Salt Lake Tribune editorial cartoon


Afghanistan Shootings

The terrible shooting last weekend by an American soldier in Afghanistan, which killed 16 civilians, has revived the anti-war sentiment in the U.S. and revealed a deep level of criticism of the war by the American public.

Afghanistan civilian shooting murder
Rick McKee / Augusta Chronicle (click to view cartoon collection)

It’s hard to get a population to love you at gunpoint. We wanted to win their hearts and minds as we ushered in a new era of democracy in the Middle East, but the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan seem to only have allowed anti-American sentiment to grow. Even now, as leaders debate whether or not this shooting should be a rallying cry for the U.S. to pull out its troops, we really can’t speak to much this 10+ year war has accomplished.

Our stable of cartoonists certainly have their own opinions on our war in Afghanistan. Check them out in our new Afghanistan Shootings cartoon collection.


Afghanistan Should Love Us

Afghanistan Should Love Us © Daryl Cagle,,Afghanistan,Soldier,Afghans,love,flowers,chocolate,war,USA


The Winner of Mississippi and Alabama: Cartoonists

Last night, in two hard-fought GOP primaries a real winner finally emerged from the frothy mess that has been the Republican field – the nation’s editorial cartoonists!

With Rick Santorum winning both Mississippi and Alabama, it almost guarantees this crazy GOP Primary will continue on, possibly all the way to the party’s convention in Tampa. And if Newt Gingrich drops out, Rick Santorum would become a formidable candidate for Team Romney to contend with. All this is good news for cartoonists, who have been enjoying this primary about as much a Mitt likes a bowl of cheesy grits.

Here are some cartoons about the great, white conservative hope.

Daryl Cagle / (click to view more cartoons by Cagle)
Mike Keefe / Cagle Cartoons (click to view more cartoons by Keefe)
Chris Weyant / The Hill (click to view more cartoons by Weyant)
Taylor Jones / Cagle Cartoons (click to view more cartoons by Jones)
Bill Day / Cagle Cartoons (click to view more cartoons by Day)