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Cartoon Week in Review

Another big week in news has come and gone, leaving our terrific stable of cartoonists to weigh in stories like Weiner’s resignation, Obama’s “focus” on jobs and Newt Gingrich’s epic campaign implosion.

So stop texting pictures to your friends, and click here to view The Week in Political Cartoons slideshow.

Larry Wright / Cagle Cartoons (click to view slideshow)



Father's Day Cartoons

To all the wonderful Fathers our there, this cartoon collection is for you.

Click to view our Father’s Day cartoon collection.


GOP Debate Cartoons

So who watched the GOP debate last night? Did you think Mitt Romney stood out of the pack as the most presidential, or did Michele Bachmann’s barbs get your attention? What about Ron Paul’s call to remove all our troops from the Middle East? At least they could all agree on blaming Obama for the state of our economy.

Cartoonists have weighed in on the state of the GOP field so far. Check out their thoughts in our new GOP Debate cartoon slideshow.

Mike Keefe / Denver Post (click to view slideshow)

Zapiro in Hot Water Over Second Rape Cartoon

Zapiro Zuma Rape Lady Justice ANC
Click to enlarge

Our good friend from South Africa, cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro (who goes by the pen name “Zapiro”) has found himself in hot water once again over a recent cartoon he drew showing South African President Jacob Zuma preparing to “rape” a woman labeled “Free Speech”.

In the cartoon for the Mail & Guardian newspaper (pictured on the right), Zuma is shown unbuclking his belt, while African National Congress (ANC) secretary general Gwede Mantashe holds a woman depicting press freedom. Lady Justice is also drawn, and shouts: “Fight, sister, fight!!”

It draws parallels with a controversial cartoon Zapiro drew back in 2008, depicting Zuma, complete with trademark shower-head, unbuckling his belt as he prepared to rape the figurative Lady Justice. Zapiro and the Sunday Times where the cartoon appeared are currently being sued by the government for 5 million Rand (about $730,000).

“Careful thought was given to it,” Zapiro said of the most recent cartoon. “I discussed it with the editor (Nic Dawes) as I always do when a cartoon has the potential to be explosive.”

“We are disgusted by the cartoon,” ANC spokesperson Brian Sokutu told the Mail & Guardian. “We believe in the freedom of the press and freedom of expression and we can’t stop people expressing their opinion. It is the depiction more than the message.”

What do you think? Is the cartoon fair, or does it cross the line? Comment below and let us know.


Cartoon Week in Review

Every week, we put together the 20 best political cartoons into one giant slideshow for your viewing pleasure. In a news week dominated by Weiner, we forget that we also saw the passing of Dr. Kevorkian, learned about Paul Revere from Sarah Palin, found out that cell phones cause cancer and much more.

Click here to view our Week in Political Cartoons slideshow.

Nate Beeler / Washington Examiner (click to view slideshow)


Sarah Palin Cartoons

Right now, journalists are pouring through nearly 24,000 records and emails released today detailing Sarah Palin’s tenure as governor of Alaska.

Ever since breaking onto the political scene during the Presidential election of 2008, Palin has been a firebrand, causing people to have strong feeling about her one way or the other. Cartoonists are no different. Check out their thoughts in our new Sarah Palin cartoon slideshow.

Daryl Cagle / (click to view slideshow)

More Weiner Cartoons

When a big story breaks, like a married congressmen tweeting tawdry pictures of himself across the internet, nearly every cartoonist will jump at the opportunity to commit something funny and pointed to paper. We have such a large roster of cartoonists that appear on, sometimes great new cartoons will continue to stream in days after the news initially breaks.

In terms of Weiner’s wiener, I already did one blog post commenting on a handful of funny cartoons that had come in, including my own. But we’ve received so many addition funny cartoons, I thought a second round-up was warranted.

Despite his vows to stay in office, Scranton Times-Tribune cartoonist John Cole sums up his thoughts about Weiner’s future in politics…

Salt Lake Tribune cartoonist Pat Bagley reminds up why these guys serve the public in the first place…

Where Adam Zyglis of the Buffalo News thinks politicians have developed too fat a finger for their smartphones…

Pulitzer Prize-winner Mike Keefe of the Denver Post tries to capture the possible mindset of a lewd twitterer…

David Fitzsimmons of the Arizona Star explores the marriage vows of a modern America politican…

While my friend Sandy Huffaker graphically hits the Weiner story right on the nose…


Sarah Palin Spawn or Die

Sarah Palin Spawn or Die Color © Daryl Cagle,,Sarah Palin, Governor, Alaska, President, campaign 2012, Salmon


Debt and Unemployment

Debt and Unemployment © Daryl Cagle,,Barack Obama,pig,debt,deficit,pig,unemployment,economy,beggars,corner,tin cup


Cell Phones Cause Cancer Cartoons

The World Health Organization research institute recently announced that using a cell phone over a prolonged period could lead to brain cancer. Too bad people were too busy texting their friends and playing Angry Birds on their smart-phones to see the report.

Are cartoonists the only ones that saw the news? Click here to view our Cell Phones Cause Cancer cartoon collection to see what they think, if you can pull yourself away from Facebook for that long.

cell phone cancer cartoons
Mike Keefe / Denver Post (click to view collection

Cartoon Week in Review

Don’t miss our big Week in Review cartoon slideshow! This week, we had a lot of cartoonable news items, like Mitt Romney running for President, Sarah Palin touring the Northeast, cell phones causing cancer – and even a Weiner or two. You don’t want to miss it!

Click here to view our Week in Review cartoon slideshow.

Nate Beeler / Washington Examiner (click to view slideshow)