
McCoy: 'Paul Ryan a Cool-headed, Economic Einstein'

News of Mitt Romney’s choice of Wisconsonis Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate broke late Friday night. By Saturday morning, our conservative flamethrower Gary McCoy was first on the scene, beating everyone (including me) to the cartooning punch:

I asked McCoy what he thought of the pick, and he responded:

Obviously, I think Mitt Romney made a great choice by picking Rep. Paul Ryan for his Vice Presidential running mate. Could he have made a better choice? Oh sure, Jesus perhaps. But on second thought, that would have only invited more vitriolic criticism from the left, in particular, Bill Maher, who would have likely donated another million dollars to Obama’s super pac just to smear the Son of God as another extreme right-winger who is anti-government and for pushing his Christian values on America.

Despite lacking Christ’s pure divinity, Paul Ryan is a cool-headed, economic Einstein. Sure, with him as Vice President, the country will sorely miss Joe Biden’s hilarious gaffes. But that’s just the price we’ll have to pay to finally get our country out of the gigantic debt that team Obama has thrust upon America, and relieve our future generations of the China-red shackles that it has forged for them.

What’s your thought of the pick? Check out all of our Paul Ryan VP cartoons, and either comment below or drop us a note on our Facebook page.


McCain Lipstick on a Pig

McCain Lipstick on a Pig © Daryl Cagle,,John McCain, Sarah Palin, vice president, vp, Republican, Obama, lipstick on a pig


Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin © Daryl Cagle,,John McCain, Sarah Palin, vice president, vp, Republican