
Better to let the Poor Suffer in Tennessee

I drew a local Tennessee cartoon today. The legislature has taken up “Insure Tennessee” again, after voting it down – the bill would accept a boatload of Obamacare federal money to provide healthcare to many tens of thousands of uninsured poor and would cost Tennessee nothing … well, nothing but pride; refusing the money means thumbing their tea party noses at Obama, and accepting Obamacare money makes the reddest of the red look like hypocrites. Better to let the poor go without healthcare in the minds of the knuckle-dragging Republicans who rule the state capitol.

To his credit, Tennessee’s Republican Governor Haslam has campaigned tirelessly to accept the deal – makes me appreciate the governor. It would mean free money for the state, but it’s still a long-shot.


Eeeeww! So nasty!

The French weekly newsmagazine, Courrier International, is a great customer and, if I draw a cartoon only in black and white, I’ve been OK with their coloring my cartoons – if they want. This has never been a problem before. Today I saw this cartoon I drew back in 2006, in black and white, showed up in Courrier with very nasty coloring.

Eeeeww! Yuck! I think I need to rethink being so generous about my coloring policy. Both BW and color versions are below.



GOP Rants at Obama

Today’s cartoon was inspired by this nice column about Ted Cruz in, my old Web partner for Cagle.com

I like simple, black line art in editorial cartoons best – there is something more elegant about it, and it is a shame to see it disappearing as editorial cartoonists gin everything up in Photoshop. I’m certain to get complaints about this one because it is wordy and liberal. Here it is in the more elegant black and white version.


A conservative reader posted this comment under the cartoon on my Facebook page:

How about Obama and his attitude toward Israel? How about the fact Obama said he would lower our debt? How about the fact that he lied about health care costs going down? I think it’s clear who is blind

I don’t like Obama, but I like seeing his position seem to evolve on Israel. Obama hasn’t lowered the debt, but he certainly lowered the deficit, I don’t think anyone expected him to lower the debt, particularly given how the Bush administration had tanked the economy. And I think he did lie about health care, still, I like Obamacare better than nothing.

I’d like to see Obama stand up and make more happen. Republicans had a point some time ago, when I drew the “spineless” cartoon below. Obama could start by throwing the 2008 Wall Street crooks into jail – something I think Elizabeth Warren might do if she was president. I don’t have much higher hopes for Hillary.



A New, Full Time Job for Cartoonist Bill Day

I was pleased to learn that my talented, cartoonist buddy, Bill Day, just got a full time job as an editorial cartoonist for New jobs for editorial cartoonists are rare these days, and full time jobs with Web site firms are even more rare, so this is great to see!

Kudos to Peter Schorsch of for being a brave trendsetter who sees the need and value of having a staff cartoonist and local cartoons. Bill will be drawing about Florida issues, at least five cartoons a week, in addition to illustrations for the site.

Bill is formerly the cartoonist for the Memphis Commercial-Appeal and the Detroit Free-Press. I syndicate Bill’s cartoons to newspapers and Bill’s work will continue to appear here on

Correction: 4:20pm. Bill tells me he hasn’t moved to Florida, he’s still in Memphis. OK. Congrats again, Bill.


Columns, Pirates, Brilliant Daughter and More More More

Someone tweeted this disturbing, altered, pirated cartoon to me.  PriateCartoon
It is disturbing to have my work pirated like this – but I’m not sure it is copyright infringement, since it has a different message and there are probably enough changes to qualify for the legal standard of “fair use” as commentary. Also, removing my signature from the art removes an argument that the art defames me. Still, it is rude. If an editorial cartoonist did something like this the AAEC would be calling for his head. Here is my original drawing …

Here’s some more miscellany – I thought this column from the Minneapolis Star-Tribune was very nice.

My charming and talented daughter, Susie, had an exhibition of her work recently in San Francisco. These are watercolors she did as part of her cartoon-journalism coverage of the Silk Road trial in New York City.

Susie is up for an award from my old partners at Slate, for this piece from Al Jazeera America.

Here’s a nice photo of a section front from the weekend before last in the Augusta Chronicle, from my cartoonist buddy, Rick McKee.

That’s enough errata for now!







Hillary and a Tempest in a Teapot

Here’s my new one. I was trying to stretch this to make a better tea-party reference to the elephant, but I decided, nah, it is clear enough. Then I thought of putting the GOP elephant in a Fox New t-shirt, and I thought, nah, it is clear enough.

Here’s a Hillary, Benghazi, GOP oldie that will probably never grow stale. Hillary is a wonderful character – I’m looking forward to the campaign!


Jenet Yellen and the Fed

Wall Street types are holding their breath, eagerly awaiting a new pronouncement from the Federal Reserve Bank’s meeting that’s going on now. Those Wall Street “bulls” are  looking for the word, “patience” in a Fed statement, as a clue to whether interest rates will go up, or stay low longer.

Janet Yellen is a rather dull character, but she is delightfully easy to draw. I wash more readers could recognize her so that I wouldn’t have to put a label on her expressive torso. I always feel like I’ve somehow failed in a cartoon when I have to use labels, even when I have a caricature right and the character should be recognizable. Here’s the cartoon in black and white line art, which most readers will see in the newspaper.

…and here it is in color, which most people prefer. Notice that the Wall Street bulls are all brown, St. Just style cattle, ready to slaughter for their delicious beef.





NRA Madness in Tennessee

The legislature here in Tennessee is considering over 50 guns bills. It doesn’t deter them that just about everyone in this red state is pro-gun – that just makes them want to fiddle around with gun stuff all the more.

The pro-gun red states like Tennessee are prime fundraising territory for the NRA. It might seem that, where there is broad support for gun culture, there would be little need for battle in the legislature about gun laws – but no – red, pro-gun culture states are the homes of constant legislative madness and NRA fundraising.


The Burden of Editorial Cartoonists and Thanks to the CMA

Last weekend I was in New York doing a panel keynote at the College Media Association (CMA) convention with Steve Sack, Adam Zyglis and Taylor Jones.

There was a great, receptive crowd of about 600 college newspaper editors and faculty advisors in attendance. Our panel was sponsored by USA Today, one of our clients. The CMA printed out a nice display of Charlie Hebdo tribute cartoons from our collection ( which had previously been on display at Vanderbilt University.

The CMA hired eight security guards just for our event, at a cost of $4,000.00, and they rented metal detectors to screen attendees. Also, the NYPD had undercover officers distributed into the crowd, so there was a public expense as well.

The terrorists have succeeded in making editorial cartooning events an expensive burden; events and exhibitions are being cancelled around the world in response to terrorist threats and security concerns. I have to thank the CMA for daring to host cartoonist keynote speakers given their security concerns and the significant hassle and expense that we burdened them with.SpeakersPromoCMA2015


Hillary’s E-mail Scandal

I don’t quite understand the Hillary e-mail scandal. There was no law against her using her own e-mail at the time she did it. She had her own e-mail server and 50,000+ emails, but I also have my own e-mail server and 50,000+emails, so it doesn’t seem so strange to me. And if she hadn’t had her own server, all of her emails would Surely have been stolen and revealed by Edward Snowden, so in retrospect, it seems prudent. Much ado about nothing, I think.

E-mail is always a great topic for cartoons.

I’ve been thinking of updating the Hillary-general cartoon below to add an e-mail medal, and take out the stale medals about 2008 election news that everyone has forgotten (like “Michigan” and “Florida”). I drew this one when the daily pundit babble was about Hillary claiming she would make a much better commander in chief, compared to Obama.

I suspect Hillary would have been much more of a hawk than Obama, and would have gotten us much more mixed-up into the middle East muddle. If I had to choose between Hillary and goofy Rand Paul, I think I would vote for Rand Paul, just because I trust that he really don’t want our military meddling around the globe.

I remember back in 2007 there was a scandal about Karl Rove deleting his emails while he worked at the White House. Pundit hacks like Rove benefit from our short memories, as they attack Hillary now.

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Welcome Cristina Sampaio!

We just added a new cartoonist to our newspaper syndicate and our site! Cristina Sampaio, the charming and brilliant cartoonist from Portugal. Here are a few samples of her work. Just another great reason for newspaper to subscribe to our syndicate! Read more about here.