
Obama Healthcare Lemmings

Obama Healthcare Lemmings © Daryl Cagle,,Barack Obama, health, health care, medicine, medical, lemmings, donkeys, Democrats, cliff, reconciliation, congress


Welcome Bill Garner

I’d like to welcome Bill Garner to our site. Bill was the longtime cartoonist for the conservative Washington Times who was recently laid off. Bill wasn’t syndicated when he drew for the newspaper and recently started drawing again, only for syndication. See an archive of Bill’s recent cartoons here.


See the Elusive Cagle in Algeria

I’ll be spending ten days in Algeria next month at the 2009 Festival International de la Bande Dessinee d’Alger, their national Comic Con.  I have to admit that I don’t know much about Algeria.  My travel agency, which has been in business for decades, tells me I’m the only traveler they have ever sent to Algeria – but it looks like Algeria is full of cartoon fans.  I’ve noticed that there seems to be special interest in editorial cartoons from all of the Arab countries.

Jan Eliot, who draws Stone Soup for Universal Press Syndicate, will also be in Algiers, along with a long list of cartoonists from exotic locales around the world – cartoonists so exotic that I’ve only heard of one of them, Tayo Fatunla, the Nigerian editorial cartoonist from our site, who blogged about last year’s Festival in Algiers and who actually lives in England.  Here is a list of the cartoonists attending the event – please leave a comment if you have heard of any of them.

I’ll be giving at least a couple of seminars in Algiers and fans are welcome to come by and say hello.  I’ll be on a panel of cartoonists talking about “Comics in the Cinema” at 2 pm October 15 at L’Esplanade de l’OREF in Algiers and I’ll give another seminar about my own work.  I’ll blog and Tweet from Algiers and I’ll post more information on where I’ll be at the Festival soon.


Timeline of the Financial Crisis in Cartoons – and Farts

Thanks to my loyal assistant, Stacey Fairrington, for putting together this excellent cartoon slideshow for, telling the story of the financial crisis of the past year.

I do a Week in Political Cartoons slideshow for that goes up every Friday morning. The newest slideshow can always be seen on our archive page with all the past weekly slideshows.

I’m a big fan of Sandy Huffaker; we used to syndicate his work but Sandy retired when Obama was elected, telling me he had lost his inspiration when he didn’t have President Bush to kick around anymore.  Sometimes Sandy still gets inspired and sends in a cartoon, like the Glenn Beck cartoon below that I put into the latest weekly slideshow. It looks like Beck really made Sandy mad.

I’ve noticed a recent pattern where nutty conservatives are inspiring cartoonists to draw fart jokes.  There was a time when drawing a fart cartoon insured that your cartoon wouldn’t be reprinted in newspapers, but I noticed this Pat Bagley conservative/fart cartoon (below) in my local paper this week.


How to Draw a Bad Doggie and Bubble Gum

Everyone tells me they like it when I post my messy rough skteches – so here are a couple of new ones.  The latest cartoon makes fun of how silly it is that Obama continues to try to coax the Republicans when the Dems and the GOP are so far apart.

I start with a messy rough sketch in hard pencil on slick paper – to discourage me from rendering in the sketch and force me to draw quickly, without worrying about mistakes.  I shouldn’t worry about a rough sketch looking good – and this one certainly doesn’t look good.  Here you can see that I erased, and I redrew Obama’s face on top with a darker pencil because I wanted it to look goofier and simpler than I had drawn on the first pass.  When I make an error it is usually to draw too realistically, or to draw too much detail; I have to think hard about making things simpler and cartoonier when I draw.

Next I do the finished line art on a piece of drafting vellum in pencil.  I draw pretty hard, so the lines are crisp and I scan the art at high contrast so it ends up looking like ink. I do the shading on Obama’s pinstripe suit by smudging the pencil with my finger. This line drawing is what most readers will see in the newspaper.

Then, for a small but growing number of newspapers who print editorial cartoons in color, and for our readers on the web, I add color in Photoshop.  I take care to use simple, bright colors because of poor newspaper printing.  I also make sure that my black line art is on a separate channel (the “K” channel in CMYK) so that the lines stay crisp and don’t get broken up into a halftone screen when the cartoon is reprinted.  Many cartoonists save their cartoons in RGB format and their black lines look like an illegible mess when their cartoons are printed just a little bit out of register, as is typical with lousy newspaper printing.

With this next cartoon I wanted to give the impression that Obama had stepped into, and gotten stuck in a mess that wasn’t of his own making, and that his reaction to the mess was only to make it worse. (And gooey bubble gum is always fun to draw.)

Here again I drew over the rough sketch in hard pencil on drafting vellum and scanned the drawing at high contrast to look like ink. Lots of artists complain that they like their pencil sketches better than their finished ink drawings because they lose the spontaneous look with ink. The shading on his pinstripe suit is finger smudges again. All of my drawings are 11×17, which is larger than most editorial cartoonists draw.   The black line art below is what most people see will in their newspaper.

Then I colored it in Photoshop. The pink color helps the bubble gum look more like gum.


Obama Coaxes Republicans

Obama Coaxes Republicans COLOR © Daryl Cagle,,President Barack Obama,Republicans,GOP,elephant,biscuit,health care,congress,socialist,socialism,dog,doggie


Obama and Afghanistan

Obama and Afghanistan © Daryl Cagle,,Barack Obama,Afghanistan,war,bubble gum,chewing gum,troops,surge


From My Anti-Socialist Mail-Bag

Added 9/10/09: Here’s an interesting column about my Obama school speech cartoon (the cartoon is below) from a newspaper editor, responding to some very vocal complaints from readers who misunderstood the cartoon.

Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 4:39 PM
Subject: Cartoon question

Dear Daryl,

I just got a surprise phone call from a reader who was mad at me because he thought your cartoon of little Jeffy was intended as an insult to the president. I told him that’s not the way I took the cartoon, and that I thought it skewered those who thought Obama’s speech would “indoctrinate” youngsters and turn them instantly into Communists. Our reader didn’t sound very convinced.

I know cartoonists don’t like to explain their work, but did I interpret your cartoon as you intended?

Thanks for the help,

Rowe Ray
Managing Editor – San Marcos Daily Record

On Sep 8, 2009, at 6:12 PM, Daryl Cagle wrote:

Hi Ray,

I’m being sarcastic. I think the conservative complaints and fears about Obama’s speech were silly, so I drew it up to look silly.  I did, however, label the cartoon as “conservative” on our download site, because I knew some conservatives editors would take it literally, and that amused me.

Satire is often lost on readers; sometimes it is a cultural thing. I recently gave a speech in Tokyo where the interpreter explained all of my cartoons to the audience who didn’t understand or appreciate our concept of sarcasm. I guess that explains why we rarely see political cartoons in Japan.

There will always be readers who don’t “get it” –better to keep drawing for the ones who do “get it.”

All the best,

From: Sally
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 11:10 AM
Subject: Jeffy cartoon

I found the cartoon very offensive.  Yes, I do realize you were trying to be sarcastic.  However, this ran in our local paper before the speech was given.  I believe that many of the “extremists” who are not going to listen to the school speech will actually believe this is what the speech is about, and then go spread even more of their lies.  As I told the Editor and Publisher of our local paper, if it has run AFTER the speech, it would be quite obvious to all that you were just being offensively sarcastic.

I wonder how Ed, Chris Matthews, Olberman and the other news people on MSNBC feel about this.

Sally Sarina

Jeff Keane left this comment about the cartoon on my Facebook Page:

That cartoon does confuse me… I don’t know whether I am supposed to be going left or right… so I just have to keep running around in circles…


Socialist Obama and Schoolkids

Socialist Obama and Schoolkids © Daryl Cagle,,Barack Obama,Karl Marx,Socialist,communist,hammer and sickle,sickel,Che Guevara,The Family Circus,Jeffy,Jeffey,Jeff Keane


Lockerbee Cartoons …

I got the interesting note below from my buddy, Danish cartoonist Werner Wejp Olsen.  See our Lockerbee Bomber Freed cartoons here.

Hi Daryl:

I wonder if this story may be relevant/suitable for your newsletter:

I have a rather strange and macabre story to tell in connection with the release of the terrorist responsible for the Pan Am Flight 103’s crash at Lockerbie in Scotland on December 21, 1988.

At that time I was still living in Denmark, my home country. My comic strip “The Tales of Hans Christian Andersen” was syndicated in 30-40 US and Canadian papers by Asterix Features. Once a week I mailed my strips by Special Mail to American Color in Buffalo. And so I did on December 21.

A few weeks after Christmas I got a call from Tim Rosenthal at American Color. They were missing my package. I checked with Special Mail and they could only track my letter to London. After that they lost track of it. Apparently it had disappeared into thin air.

Six months later I got a letter from the FBI. The content was the package I had mailed on December 21. FBI had found it in he wreckage of Pan Am Flight 103. It was intact but for few smoke-colored spots here and there.

The package is still in my files reminding me that even though most of us normally find ourselves far, far away from major world events, we are often closer than we wish for.


That’s one of Werner’s cartoons below.  See more of Werner’s cartoons.


Disney Buys Marvel Comics

Disney Buys Marvel Comics © Daryl Cagle,,The Walt Disney Company, Disney, Mickey Mouse, The Incredible Hulk, Hulk, Bruce Banner, Marvel Comics, business, economy, stock market


Stantis Starts in Chicago

Congratulations again to my buddy, Scott Stantis, who starts his stint as the cartoonist for the Chicago Tribune today.  The cartoonist chair at the Trib has been empty for a decade.  Scott starts out with his cartoon on the front page.

Scott’s old newspaper, The Birmingham News, is looking at portfolios and plans to fill Scott’s old spot with a new cartoonist.  I think they will get a big stack of portfolios; I have heard from a number of top cartoonists who are applying for the job.  There aren’t many job openings in this business.