
Boxing and Watching the Clock

Boxing and Watching the Clock © Daryl Cagle,,Mitt Romney,Barack Obama,presidential debates,boxing,sports,watch,clock


Readers Angered By My Obama Cartoon

I was inspired to draw this cartoon by President Obama’s recent television ad campaign in Pakistan, designed to quell the riots that seemed to be in response to a video that some nut posted on Youtube.  I thought the ad campaign was ridiculous, and Obama’s constant, never-ending re-affirmations of his respect for Islam are as tiresome as they are ineffective in making the Pakistanis love us more.  Considering the president as the source of the message and considering our cultural differences, this simply isn’t a message that will work with the Pakistani audience – that is the point of the cartoon.

It seems our readers’ comments focused more on my Obama-bashing, and the fact that I gave the president boobs.  Yes, Obama is indeed dressed inappropriately to be promoting Islam, again, that’s the point.  Our conservative cartoonist, Gary McCoy sent this comment:

“Intended or not, very interesting social science experiment, Daryl. You do a rare “conservative” cartoon, and though you get swarms of negative feedback, none of it contains the kind of hateful vitriol your usual left-leaning pals reserve for Eric Allie and me. Kudos for stepping out of your comfort zone though. Oh, and thanks for getting me hate-posts on a day when I didn’t even do a cartoon. I was feeling lonely there for a minute.”

The mail and the comments seemed pretty angry to me; here are some  examples …

Steven Dinero: Nope, doesnt work on so many levels. Sorry.

JaJa888: I thought Mr. Cagle was a liberal. I really hope that this is sarcasm, because otherwise the propaganda is getting to him…

Kevin Mystic-Rose Rosenthal: Pandering to the radical nut jobs. Is that your intent?

Cora Elizabeth Mason: I do not like it. It is insulting to the POTUS, not good at all, and why make him breasts?

Lissa Albert: Dems will hate it (as is evidenced here) and many will see the caustic humoreality of it. I happen to think this is brilliantly edgy!

Susan J Frary: I find it offensive. I also think it is not based on any facts, but on false perceptions. President Obama is working hard to develop peaceful relationships with many in the Middle East – failing to offend them is not easy. That is why it is called DIPLOMACY.

Rob McGrath: Not sure why his boobs are bigger than his ears.

Diane Hargreaves Talbot: You’d waste your chutzpah on this tripe? Really? Cagle? Who are you and what have you done with Daryl Cagle? Totally incendiary and inappropriate and wrong. Yuck.

Sue Hulett: Maybe you should go read his UN speech again. You seem to have misread it, or else you really are just an ass hat.

What do you think? Comment below, or drop us a line on our Facebook page.


My Romney Cartoons: Things Not Looking Good for Mitt

Things aren’t looking too good these days for Mitt Romney’s campaign. Gaffe after gaffe has led him to dig a deep hole he now has to try and climb out of…

If you tune into conservative media outlets, they’ll tell you the bad polling data is a liberal media plot to keep Republicans from voting…

Meanwhile, Romney is still on the hook for telling fundraisers he thinks nearly half the people in the country are “lazy” and feel “entitled” to government benefits, despite all the other taxes they pay…

Romney hasn’t convinced critics that his comments don’t represent his real opinions about the 47 percent. Instead, he tried to piggy-back on the outcry over an old video of Barack Obama talking about “redistribution” of wealth, but that only distracted voters for a short amount of time…

Unfortunately for Republicans, Romney’s personality is about as warm and inviting as plants that grow in the heat of the desert…


Cartoonists Go After Apple's Map Program

Anyone who purchased the iPhone 5 last week (check out all our iPhone 5 cartoons) came away saying one thing – the Apple Maps app stinks! To their credit, Apple CEO Tim Cook apologized Friday for the glitchy program, telling consumers the program “fell short.” Even our Apple-loving cartoonists were angry about the rare misstep.

Mike Keefe decided to go after Apple Maps and the so-called “geniuses” that work at Apple…

If the NFL hadn’t made a deal with the referees, Ottawa Citizen cartoonist Cam Cardow had the soultion to get rid of those pesky replacement refs…

Columbus Dispatch cartoonist Nate Beeler remembered back to the time when Apple really did create innovative products…

While John Cole of the Scranton Times-Tribune just felt betrayed…


Go Islam

Go Islam © Daryl Cagle,,Barack ObamIslam,Pakistan flag,star and crescent,Go Islam,muslim,Arab,Libya


Best Cartoons of the Week

Every Friday, we collect the best political cartoons of the week and stuff them into one big, glorious slideshow.

So just relax and catch up on a week’s worth of news with our Best Cartoons of the Week slideshow.

Chris Weyant / The Hill (click to launch slideshow)

Obama is Going to Win

Obama is Going to Win © Daryl Cagle,,Barack Obama,Mitt Romney,Tic Tac Toe,game,election,campaign


Susie Cagle on Cartooning the Occupy Movement, Being Arrested

Last week, my daughter Susie Cagle, a journalist and cartoonist, sat down with Cartoonist Rights Network International’s Executive Director, Robert Russell, to discuss how she was wrongfully arrested twice by Oakland, California police. In fact, a charge from her first arrest, failing to leave the scene of a riot, has never been dismissed by the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office.

Susie also talks about the state of media, and how paid reporters who have been laid off have been replaced by citizen journalists, individuals who are personally passionate about the topics they’re covering and documenting, which allows police and government officials to ignore their rights as journalists.

“The mayor of Oakland in February or March, called them fake journalists, fake media, and we need to figure out a way to separate them from the real journalists,” Susie said. “It really goes to show a deep misunderstanding of what’s happening in media right now.”


And here are some of Susie’s drawings. To see more, visit her Web site or follow her on twitter @susie_c.


Hyderabad – I Didn’t Forget!

My portrait by the brilliant Shri Shankar Parmarthy of the Sakshi newspaper in Hyderabad, India.

I was so rushed with the end of my India trip that I neglected to do a post about my visit to Hyderabad, the huge, hi-tech city in the middle of India.  The Hyderabad cartoonists were great, and I enjoyed drinking with them through the night in the backyard of the Press Club, where I had some particularly hot Biriyani that made me sweat and shake, to the amusement of my colleagues.  I especially enjoyed meeting renowned, veteran Hyderabad cartoonist, Mohan, who moved on from being a local, Telegu language political cartoonist for the huge Sakshi newspaper, to running his own animation studio.

The US Consulate put on a lovely show of my work in cooperation with the Muse Art Gallery at the Marriott Hotel in Hyderabad – they did a great job. I was impressed that they included my more edgy cartoons that would have gotten me thrown in jail, if America suffered the same, poor press freedoms as India.

I gave speeches at the Sri Venkateswara College of Fine Arts and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, and at each a bunch of girls ran up to me after my talk to tell me how they have known my work for years because my cartoons appeared in their high school textbooks, which was fun.

The controversial cartoon that was banned from india's textbooks, after a long debate in Parliament.

There has been a lot of talk in India recently about banning some cartoons from high school text books, in particular, this one (below right).

This textbook cartoon controversy was much more interesting to the Indian cartoonists that I met than the brouhaha about the jailing of Aseem Trivedi, which was raging at the time.  The cartoon was the subject of debate in the Indian Parliament, where it was described as racist, for showing former Indian Prime Minister Nehru, supposedly whipping Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, a lower caste politician who is riding a snail.  In fact, Nehru is not whipping Ambedkar – both Nehru and Ambedkar are whipping the snail, because they want the process of writing India’s new constitution to go faster.

In America we have idiots who fight to take evolution out of science text books all the time, so the idea that the Indian cartoonists were so invested in this debate, when one of their colleagues was thrown in jail for drawing their Parliament building as a toilet, seemed to be misplaced priorities to me.

I was very impressed by the colored pencil work of Shri Shankar Parmarthy, the staff cartoonist for the Sakshi newspaper, who did this great caricature of me standing in front of Hyderabad’s historic Charminar (top right).

I’ve posted Shankar’s brilliant Mother Teresa and Dalai Lama caricatures below. Impressive stuff.

Dalai Lama by Shri Shankar Parmarthy.
Mother Teresa by Shri Shankar Parmarthy.

Mitt Romney and his Mormon 'Garments'

Recently, Mitt Romney has been harshly criticized in the media over his comments to a group of fundraisers labeling 47 percent of Americans as “lazy” and “entitled” to government support (view all our Romney gaffe cartoons). In an attempt to sidestep criticism, Romney recently called out President Obama for his desire to “redistribute” wealth, something of a dog-whistle to conservatives convinced Democrats are modern day socialists. Here is my cartoon:

I thought the classic phrase “the Emperor has no clothes” worked well visually for the point I was trying to convey, but it occurred to me afterwards that by drawing Romney naked, I omitted something important that is at the core of his beliefs – the religious “garments” he wears as underwear.

For Mormons, these temple “garments” are a special piece of clothing worn to represent a symbolic gesture of the promises they have made to God, and are seen as either a symbolic or literal source of protection from the evils of the world.

There’s a long tradition among editorial cartoonists of drawing politicians in their underwear, but not religious underwear like this. For instance, many cartoonists illustrated President Clinton’s sexual dalliances by drawing him with his pants around his ankles and wearing boxer shorts with a pattern of little hearts.

The same underwear treatment is given to serial adulterer politicians like Newt Gingrich, Arnold Schwarzenegger and too many members of congress to list. Even Batman and Superman wear their underwear on top of their tights. As an editorial cartoonist, I cherish my right to draw anyone I want in their underwear.

Here are a couple of cartoons I’ve drawn featuring Romney wearing his Mormon “garments.” I have gotten a bit of flack from readers about drawing the mysterious underwear on Romney, but not as much as I expected:


Fox News and Possible Romney Bounce

Fox News and Possible Romney Bounce © Daryl Cagle,,Fox News,Mitt Romney,Barack Obama,cliff,elephant,polls,bounce


Romney Mosquitoes

Romney Mosquitoes © Daryl Cagle,,Mitt Romney,mosquito,mosquitoes,taxes,Barack Obama,redistribute income,youtube,campaign 2012,presidential,president