
Conservative Cartoonist McCoy Goes After Sandra Fluke Again

Our conservative cartoonist Gary McCoy is no stranger to controversey. After Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a “slut” for defending President Obama’s healthcare policy forcing insurance companies to cover contraceptives, McCoy drew a harsh cartoon about Fluke that seemed to set the internet on fire:

Following Fluke’s address to the Democratic National Convention last night, McCoy has drawn another harsh cartoon about the Georgetown Law School graduate that has riled up our readers and been criticized as misogynistic:

I asked Gary to comment about the cartoon, and here’s what he sent me:

Why is it that a group of people so adept at filling out welfare claim forms while simultaneously watching Family Guy, and able to ignite an American flag using only a pair of reading glasses and two, foot-long strands of underarm hair, are so lost when it comes to understanding a simple cartoon? My recent Sandra Fluke cartoon seems to have infuriated many of the same crowd who popped blood vessels over my last Fluke cartoon, and are just now hanging their Anger Management Class diplomas on their bedroom walls.

To me, it’s hilarious that the left was so incredulous at Clint Eastwood’s RNC speech, in which he, in improv-like fashion, mocked an imaginary President Obama sitting in an empty chair onstage (a perfect metaphor at that.). Yet, they see nothing wrong with inviting for their convention, a divisive, hard-core, pro-abortion ‘women’s rights advocate’ who, despite what her camouflaged congressional testimony held, has in fact pushed for government subsidized (i.e., taxpayer funded) birth control and contraceptives.

And for those whose definition of a misogynist is anyone who criticizes an extremely ideological feminist who complains before the nation that despite attending Georgetown University on a $40,000 scholarship, she can’t afford nine-dollar-a-month birth control, I can only say, shave your armpits for crying out loud! You’re blocking my view.

Here’s a sampling of our readers’ thoughts:

Jerry Chandler: Since her testimony was about medical issues and this cartoon still flogs the lie told by the right about what she said – Foul.

Sherry Russell: Why is a beautiful young woman portrayed as Bella Abzug?

Mike Villwock: While he didn’t completely quote limbaugh in this cartoon by avoiding the use of the word ‘slut’, he leaves no doubt of his low opinion of women by suggesting that those you use birth control are out there whoring it up.

Keith Lewis Simmons: It’s not funny because the issue isn’t all about having sex, unless you’re an ignorant rube. The truth is that hormone therapy is life-saving for many, many women. And men. (See, that’s funny. Not insulting to women’s health, just their psyche.)

Daniel Shrader: Did any of these conservatives actually listen to this woman’s testimony, or did they just get all their info from the fat ass Limbaugh.

Bob Flisser: McCoy is one of the finest minds of the 12th Century.

Julie Slapyawitmah Palm: Heath care for men – totally fine and not worth mentioning, even when Viagra is included. Health care for women – paying people to be “sluts,” as Rush put it. Misogyny.

What do you think of McCoy’s cartoon – fair or foul? Comment below or drop us a line on our Facebook page.

By Daryl Cagle

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, which which is a major distributor of editorial cartoons and columns to newspapers and digital publishers. See Daryl's blog at:, see his site at: get permission to reprint his cartoons at: