Blog Syndicate

Carly Fiorina – Look at my face!

This is my first Carly Fiorina cartoon. It looks like I may be doing more over the next year. She’s actually pretty easy to draw, with her eyes that tip up at the edges of her face, the long nose, pointy chin and skinny neck. It is fascinating to me how objectively bad her business record was, and still she runs on her business record as her qualification to be president. When she launches into a moralistic screed it makes my skin crawl – I think she is my least favorite Republican, but this cartoon goes easy on her.

Of-course, the cartoon refers to her spat with Trump about her “face” – as long as people look at her face – or look at anything but her record, she’s on her way up in the polls.

This Fiorina cartoon by David Fitzsimmons is my favorite. It conveys some information, something I usually try to avoid doing in cartoons (it takes too many words), but it works here …


Blog Syndicate

El Diablo Volkswagen

Here’s my Volkswagen cartoon – this is a simple “name-calling” cartoon; editorial cartooning in its purest form.

I thought about making a Volkswagen car into a devil, but I didn’t think that would be too easy to read, so I went with the logo, which is a little strange looking, but what the hell. And I included lots of hellish smoke. I notice the Yahtzee cartoon for this issue is a Volkswagen logo obscured with smoke, or with a little exhaust pipe and smoke.

My favorite so far is from Danish cartoonist Herbjorn Skogstad, who drew a guy doing a giant Volkswagen fart. I think it is the duty of editorial cartoonists to draw farts, poop, dogs and Statues of Liberty at every opportunity.