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Republican Sedition Rotten Tomatoes

Why is it that big news always seems to happen when I’m bogged down in year-end syndicate accounting muck? This is an important time for editorial cartoons even when I’m facing a bunch of tax filing deadlines – so here are a couple of quickies. I revamped an old cartoon with a new speech balloon for today’s revised GOP sedition sedition cartoon that is much better than the oldie that got little ink.

I don’t revise cartoons very often, but this one seemed nice, and I labeled it so the few editors who printed the oldie years ago, can avoid being embarrassed by printing a similar cartoon that some readers might remember.

I have another old favorite that I drew when Barack Obama won his presidential election. This is Republican elephants showing their anguish in the form of Picasso’s Guernica.

What is old is new again – except that it seems to get worse the next time.

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GOP uernica Gray

GOP uernica Gray © Daryl Cagle,,GOP,republican,elephant,Pablo Picasso,painting,Spanish Civil War,fiscal cliff,congress


GOP uernica

GOP uernica © Daryl Cagle,,GOP,republican,elephant,Pablo Picasso,painting,Spanish Civil War,fiscal cliff,congress