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Top Ten Cartoons of the Week – June 19, 2021

Here are our most reprinted cartoons of the week ending  June 19th, 2021.

Wow! What a week for Dave Granlund, who was the most reprinted editorial cartoonist of the week in newspapers and who has an incredible FOUR cartoons in the Top Ten this week, including the #1 cartoon.

And congrats to Dick Wright and Jeff Koterba who each have two cartoons in the Top Ten. Dick was the second most reprinted cartoonist of the week.

Kudos to the other CagleCartoons in the Top Ten this week: Steve Sack, and Ed Wexler.

Just about half of America’s daily, paid circulation newspapers (around 700 papers) subscribe to These are the cartoons that editors picked last week.

Our reader supported site,, still needs you!  Journalism is threatened with the pandemic that has shuttered newspaper advertisers. Some pundits predict that a large percentage of newspapers won’t survive the pandemic economic slump, and as newspapers sink, editorial cartoonists who depend on newspapers sink too, and along with them, our site.

The world needs political cartoonists more now than ever. Please consider supporting and visit


Dave Granlund‘s cartoon was most popular with editors last week!



Jeff Koterba takes second place.



Dick Wright wins third place.



Ed Wexler claims fourth place.



Jeff Koterba takes the five spot.



Dave Granlund takes sixth place with his second cartoon on the list.



Dave Granlund also nabs seventh place with his third cartoon on the list.



Dick Wright takes eighth place with his second cartoon in the Top Ten.



Steve Sack takes ninth place.



Dave Granlund has a stunning FOURTH cartoon on the list at number ten.

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Trump, Jackson, Tubman, Punch and Judy!

Last week the Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, announced that the “issue” of the new $20 bill featuring Harriet Tubman replacing president Andrew Jackson, would “most likely” not “come up again” until 2026 –or in other words, it is never going to happen. This is no surprise.

President Trump is known to be a big fan of our plantation-slave-master president, Andrew Jackson. Trump keeps a portrait of Jackson in the Oval Office and personally identifies with our seventh president, who, like Trump, rejected and pushed back against an independent judiciary. Jackson is perhaps best known for forcing Native Americans onto reservations West of the Mississippi, through the brutal “Trail of Tears” which ran adjacent to Jackson’s plantation in Tennessee. Jackson reportedly never stepped out into his backyard to observe the wretched sight.

Harriet Tubman was an escaped slave who bravely worked to help countless other slaves escape through the “Underground Railroad,” a network of anti-slavery activists and safe houses. Tubman also served as an armed scout and spy for the US Army during the Civil War.

I decided to draw Trump making his $20 bill decision as a Punch and Judy show. To be fair, Trump isn’t going to lose any votes among his base for this decision, and he isn’t going to get votes from African Americans anyway, so what the heck?

Here’s the cartoon I drew, back in the good old Obama days, when it was first announced that Harriet Tubman would be replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.