
Cartoonists Celebrate Berlusconi's Birthday

Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi marks his 75th birthday today, but as our cartoonists are quick to note, the notorious horn-dog has very little to celebrate. From his own personal legal woes to the possibility of Italy being swallowed by Europe’s ongoing debt crisis, one wonders how much longer Italians can tolerate Berlusconi and his bunga bunga parties.

We’ve had a lot of funny cartoons about Berlusconi and his antics come in over the years from our foreign contributors. Here are some of the best:

Martin Sutovec / Slovakia


Petar Pismestrovic / Kleine Zeitung, Austria


Patrick Corrigan / The Toronto Star


Frederick Deligne / Nice-Matin, France


Joep Bertrams / The Netherlands



Kap / Spain


Manny Francisco / Manila, The Phillippines