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Hurricane Newsman

With all the hurricane news, I brought back this oldie for newspapers this weekend. Most news stories don’t change much – but hurricanes seem to get much bigger as time goes by. It is reassuring to know that global warming is fake news, or I might be worried about how things are going.


News Syndicate

Trump’s Wandering Eye

President Trump surprised the pundits and his own Republican party when he sided with the Democrats this week. Trump hasn’t been getting much from the grouchy, ineffectual Republicans, so it shouldn’t be surprising that his eye starts to wander.

That Democrat is quite a cutie.

This cartoon is similar to one I drew many years ago, when President George W. Bush was looking to jump into wars around the globe.

Men don’t change much, huh?


Blog Syndicate

DACA – Catch!

Is President Trump being clever to throw DACA at congress? It is hard to know, but it certainly makes the Republicans look heartless if they don’t catch those “childhood arrivals.”

I drew this one a couple of days ago. Sorry to be slow. It was fun to see it in today’s USA Today …

It is funny to see the Jeff Parker cartoon at the bottom of USA Today’s Friday round-up. Jeff retired from editorial cartooning to focus on drawing the comic strip “Dustin” with Steve Kelley. (I’m still crying about Jeff’s retirement.) We didn’t have many cartoons about hurricane Irma bearing down on Florida, and Jeff drew lots of hurricane cartoons back in the day, so I dusted off a couple of evergreen Jeff Parker hurricane oldies and reposted them for newspapers on –just what newspapers wanted today.

Jeff remains the king of hurricane cartoons. You can still see Jeff’s archive of oldies, including this cartoon, at:

Blog Syndicate

Texas Disaster

Back when I was a local cartoonist for the now-defunct Honolulu Advertiser newspaper, there was a disaster where a negligent captain allowed his submarine to be controlled by a stupid celebrity who rammed into a Japanese High School fishing boat, killing and failing to rescue many of the kids. I reacted with cartoons strongly criticizing the Navy and the captain of the sub – but I missed the mark. The paper had a second cartoonist, Dick Adair who drew a memorial cartoon with leis floating on the water. Dick’s cartoon was better.

When a disaster first strikes, and people die, mourning should come first. I was thinking about that with the Texas floods as my colleagues were drawing gags and cartoons criticizing Trump’s visit to the scene, or cartoons championing the first responders, I thought I should take a step back and remember Dick Adair’s cartooning wisdom with a flowers on the water memorial cartoon, this time including a cowboy hat to signify Texas. Maybe readers and editors are in the mood for gags, but I’m in more of a somber, sympathetic mood.

Blog Syndicate

Trump Kryptonite

There is a lot of Kryptonite around – and Kryptonite is deadly to Superman who runs into the stuff all the time – but Kryptonite never actually kills Superman, who just suffers a bit once in a while from the Kryptonite, then he moves on.

Blog Syndicate

Trump Troops for Afghanistan

The news seems to repeat itself. Today President Trump announced yet another increase in troops for Afghanistan – after campaigning on getting us out of Afghanistan. Here’s the cartoon.

Look familiar? It wasn’t much different with President Obama …

Somehow I think I’ll be drawing this cartoon with each new president for another 17 years – if I live that long.

Blog Syndicate

Many Sides, Many Sides

When Trump first came on the scene the cartoonists started drawing Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan right away. That annoyed me. So much for that – with Trumps comments today that implied culpability and moral equivalency between Klansmen and Nazis and the people who protest against them.

Blog Syndicate

Trump and L’il Kim Again

Last week I drew this cartoon with Trump and L’il Kim mushroom cloud hair. Sometimes I travel around and give a Powerpoint presentation about editorial cartooning and I show a dozen or two cartoons of L’il Kim’s dad, Il, with mushroom cloud hair. I’ve seen a few L’il Kim mushroom cloud hair cartoons, but his Dad, Il, is the king of cartoon mushroom cloud hair.

Blog Syndicate

Trump vs. Sessions

President Trump has been bashing Attorney General Jeff Sessions every day on Twitter. It looks like he wants Sessions to quit so that he doesn’t have to suffer the ugly politics of firing him.

My biggest issue was whether to draw any blood with the back-stabbing. I went for no blood. Editors don’t like blood. Now I wish I drew blood.

This is actually the first time I’ve drawn Sessions – and he is fun to draw.

Updated 7/28/17

It turned out that I did draw Sessions before – here:

And here it is in my local Los Angeles Daily News this morning. This is nice to see because it is rare that the Daily News, and it’s Southern California sister papers run an editorial cartoon, except on Sundays. Here’s a wrinkly scan (I spilled ice tea on it – can’t do that with the internet!)  And paired with Charles Krauthammer – yuck.


Blog Syndicate

Eyes up HERE

Hey. Eye’s up here. Stop looking at my butt. Just because of the anal probe into Trump’s Russia conflicts, as well as his personal finances (we learned today) is no reason to stare at Trump’s butt!

Notice that I gave the bear a bit of a five-o’clock shadow?

Blog Syndicate

Rembrandt Oldie

This cartoon about the Republican Senate fail on Trumpcare is based on an oldie from Rembrandt titled,”The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp.”

This is actually a double-oldie as I drew this one years ago when Obama beat Mitt Romney, much to the horror of Republicans who then had an “autopsy” to figure out how they could have possibly lost. Their autopsy informed them that they should cultivate Hispanic voters – an idea that seems like a quaint, old-fashioned notion for today’s Trumpy Republicans. I thought it was also a good fit for the current Trumpcare debate in the Senate, so I dusted it off with some new wording.

The original is below. I think Rembrandt would have made a good editorial cartoonist.

Blog Syndicate

Republican Excuses

As the Trump/Russia scandal evolves, I’ve noticed that the GOP talking points follow a pattern:

  1. The latest development is “fake news”
  2. People are not interested in this, typically expanded by, “When I meet with my constituents back home they never have questions about this.” and “The real questions you should be asking are about the economy and infrastructure and Obamacare’s failure …” Often the GOPsters are asked a question and they respond with “The real question is …(another question that they prefer to answer).
  3. But what about Hillary? When new developments are unpleasant the Repubs go back to their comfort place. Why have question about Russians when the media didn’t question Hillary selling uranium to the Russians and what about Loretta Lynch?

It is nice to always have the Clinton comfort place to go back to.