
Great Hunter Obama

Great Hunter Obama Color © Daryl Cagle,,Barack Obama, , hunter, camouflage, Osama, Usama, Bin Laden, rifle, gun, bear, skin rug


My Osama bin Laden Cartoons

Like every other cartoonist, my week has been consumed with the death of Osama and Abbotabad, the location of the sprawling complex in the suburbs of Islamabad where bin Laden hid. How did Pakistan not know bin Laden was there? Them must have been out cashing our $1.5 billion check:

One of the more peculiar aspects of the bin Laden story is the fact that we buried his body at sea:

It took long enough to find Osama. Luckily, he gets special treatment:

Even if Obama had decided to release bin Laden’s death photos, the birthers still wouldn’t be satisfied:

Now President Obama has a macho new look.


Backstabbing Pakistanis

Backstabbing Pakistanis Color © Daryl Cagle,,Osama, Usama bin Laden, Barack Obama, knife, knives, back-stabbing, Pakistan


Foreign Cartoonists on bin Laden Killing

Americans forget that the death of Osama bin Laden reaches well beyond our borders, and touches the lives of people around the globe. The world’s cartoonists are no different then their American counterparts, and have their own opinions about the death of the mastermind of 9/11.

Patrick Chappatte, the cartoonist for The International Herald Tribune, brings us full circle on bin Laden with his cartoon:

Speaking of circles, Dutch cartoonist Hajo sees the bin Laden killing as a full circle of life:

Meanwhile, Israeli cartoonist Shlomo Cohen sees two certificates helping Obama in 2012:

Austrian cartoonist Petar Pismestrovic closes the book on bin Laden:

While Australian cartoonist Paul Zanetti thinks things haven’t changed much for Obama:

Slovakian cartoonist Martin “Shooty” Sutovec thinks hell might not be ready for bin Laden:


Osama is Dead Cartoon Live Blog

Conservative Cartoonists Slam Obama Over Osama Credit

Osama at Sea Cartoons