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Where Arthropods and Homo Sapiens Meet

Our brilliant CagleCartoonist, Peter Kuper, has a great exhibition that is up now at the New York Public Library in Manhattan.  Here are some images and comments from Peter …

Here are some comments from Peter:

INterSECTS is a combination of my two passions —comics and insects (actually I have more passions than those, but these are two big ones).

I got a fellowship at the New York public library last year, and since it landed in the middle of Covid the library was completely closed to the public. That inspired me to use the empty space as a backdrop and populate it with the insects I was drawing as I studied their history and where they intersected with humans. This exhibition transpired rather suddenly after my fellowship ended. They needed some kind of exhibition in the space, but with the pandemic didn’t know what they could pull off and my work happen to fit perfectly. Installing the show has been like threading a needle during this pandemic but now it’s up and will be for the next 7 months.

Some images from the show …

Congratulations, Peter. Great fun.

See Peter’s editorial cartoon archive.

See Peter’s personal Web site with more samples from his exhibition.

By Daryl Cagle

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, which which is a major distributor of editorial cartoons and columns to newspapers and digital publishers. See Daryl's blog at:, see his site at: get permission to reprint his cartoons at: