Blog Syndicate

Belts and Roads and Xi

As part of China’s drive to dominate Asia, Xi Jinping’s “Belts and Roads” initiative is tying up third world countries with unsustainable debt for dubious infrastructure improvements. Here’s my cartoon.

This cartoon will surely be banned in China. In fact, images of Winnie the Pooh are broadly censored in China because of memes depicting Chinese president Xi Jinping as Winnie the Pooh. This seems like a benign metaphor, but Winnie isn’t very smart and often gets his head stuck in the honey jar, so I can see why Winnie might annoy Xi. Here’s another recent one …

I think I’ll keep drawing Xi as Winnie the Pooh, just because of the allure of being censored in China. Xi is a great cartoon character, not just because he murders America’s spies and imprisons millions of Muslims and political dissidents, but because of Winnie the Pooh. This guy just makes me smile.  Here’s another Xi cartoon, showing Xi with his despot friends …

Xi’s not as funny when he’s not Winnie the Pooh.

If anyone in China can see my Xi the Pooh cartoons, please let me know and send me a screenshot – or send me a screenshot of what it looks like when my cartoons are censored in China.

I shouldn’t bash China too hard, lots of places censor my cartoons. Our whole site is blocked in Pakistan and Iran, and occasionally in other nations.  If or particular cartoons on our site are blocked in your country, please let me know and send me a screenshot!

Blog Syndicate

Split Congress and Sinking Oil Prices

Here’s one I drew a week ago that I forgot to post here! The Democrats have the House and the Republicans have the Senate – I look forward to seeing divided government at work again!

I’m impressed by how quickly oil prices are plummeting, and pulling down that stock market. The cartoon below was an oldie that I drew the last time this happened. There isn’t much news that is truly new news. The same old news seems to happen over and over, so sometimes I dust off an appropriate oldie.

This one needed to be in a vertical format, something that makes editorial cartoons sink. Editors like to leave a standard sized wide box as the editorial cartoon hole to fill each day, so deviating from the standard 1.5 wide by 1 tall box means a cartoon doesn’t get much ink.

But, sometimes I need to break out of the box. I hate being stuck in a box!

Blog Syndicate

Trump Dances with China

I realize this cartoon is a bit ambiguous. Perhaps Trump is wrestling with China. Maybe Trump is “facing off” with China. Maybe there is something sexy going on with China that we can’t quite see. It is hard to tell. I went with “dance.” The USA will soon be adding another $250,000,000,000+ of tariffs to Chinese imports, which will move China to retaliate in other ways.

I draw lots of Trump-critical cartoons, but this one isn’t one of them. I think Trump’s approach to China is long overdue. I even posted this one as a “Trump Friendly” cartoon on our newspaper syndication site – although, that is probably ambiguous too.

I’ve drawn Trump and a Chinese dragon before.

Dragons don’t have to represent China, although the chinese style dragons are more fun to draw. Here’s the dragon cartoon I drew the day after the election, when Trump defeated Hillary.

Blog Syndicate


This will be my last batch of TRUE cartoons for my blog. I watercolored these for some reason that I forget! Back in the 1990’s, when this ran in newspapers, it ran in black and white and there was no color, Sunday TRUE. Gotta love color!

Blog Syndicate

True Sex!

Here’s another new batch of my old TRUE cartoons – this time about SEX!

Blog Syndicate

New Suit for Manafort

Paul Manafort has lots of fancy, $15,000 suits from the House of Bijan, which seems to be the most expensive men’s clothing store around. Customers shop at this store by appointment only, but I suspect that Manafort had the fancy tailor come to him. Manafort paid clothing bills of hundreds of thousands of dollars by bank wire transfers, from his secret bank accounts on the island of Cyprus. These bank accounts were so secret that Manafort claims to have known nothing about them – at least that’s what he claims to the IRS, not to his tailor.

Blog Syndicate

TRUE Business

These are some of my old TRUE! cartoons from 1995. I used to draw this as a syndicated daily panel for Tribune Media Services syndicate, which is now Tribune Content Agency because they named another company “Tribune Media Services.” I used to pour over stats in news reports and draw them into cartoons. These are really true, except the art, and the selection of the facts amounts to commentary.

I drew TRUE! for about a year, so I have hundreds of these cartoons and as I was going back through the archives, I thought I would start adding some that still look fresh to our database. This first batch for the database is on the theme of business.

I should add that back in 1995, Tribune Media Services didn’t allow the artists they syndicate to have their own web sites. Those were early days for the internet and most cartoonists hadn’t created their own sites yet. I started in 1996, as soon as I wriggled out from under Tribune Media Services and their “no web sites” policy.

Blog Syndicate

Brexit and the Stock Market Crash – Ouch!

I skipped doing a video on this one as I’m packing everything up for my move back to California!

1132-EUbull500dpiCMYK500Stars signify pain in cartoons, so the Brexit bonk on the head to the stock market bull seemed appropriate. I put a bunch of texture in this one. Maybe someone will print it big.

I’m outta here for a while, driving my car from Nashville to California, and doing some sightseeing on the way – so, sorry, but the cartoons should resume in a couple of weeks.


Blog Syndicate

Obama and Payday Lenders!

Payday lenders are a blight on society, charging the poor hundreds of percent interest rates and trapping them in a never-ending spiral of debt. I hadn’t been aware of the problem until I first moved to Nashville and was stunned to see a payday lender on almost every block. There must be more payday lenders than restaurants in Tennessee!

Today I’m taking a holiday from my usual Obama bashing as the president is using his executive authority to impose proposed, crippling regulations on the payday loan industry that may put the whole, evil vampire’s nest out of business. Bravo, Obama!

See me draw this one in the live-stream video below!

And watch me color it in Photoshop on my Wacom Cintiq in the live-stream video below while I chat with fans from

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Tubman Boots Andrew Jackson off of the $20 Bill!

I think Harriet Tubman was a good choice for the $20 bill. I drew her booting President Andrew Jackson out of his perch. This is really a local Nashville cartoon as Jackson is Nashville favorite son; his slave plantation, the “Hermitage” is an impressive local attraction. Some critics have complained that Jackson’s great legacy is the “trail of tears” where displaced native Americans were marched to reservations in Oklahoma as Jackson broke treaties with the “indians” and sent many to their deaths. The “trail of tears” ran very close to the Hermitage, and Jackson reportedly didn’t bother to walk outside to take a look. Critics thought a native American choice would have been better than Tubman, given Jackson’s history.

See me draw this one in real time, in the video below.

I color the cartoon in the live-stream video below.

Blog Syndicate

Sinking Oil Prices Sink Wall Street!

The stock market continued its dive this week. My last cartoon showed the impending doom of the falling Chinese economy, now the falling oil prices are blamed for the latest stock market dump.

I drew this one as a live stream on YouTube and Twitch – want to watch me draw it in real time? Here it is on YouTube …

I’m often asked to show how I color my cartoons, so I did a live stream of coloring this one. Want to watch?  Here it is!